Friday, August 31, 2012

Honey, I'm home!

So… I want to apologize in advance if this is really, really long. I figure I’ve been gone long enough that I probably owe you guys something near a novella, but I don’t know that I can write that much…

I’m back! I want to apologize for disappearing for… Well, for part of July and the entire month of August. Here’s my explanation. On July 27, the first post I missed in this obnoxiously long streak, I was working a show, packing up my entire life (moving out of the residence hall) and packing for my first ever international trip/flight. I began when I woke up and didn’t even sleep with the exception of two hours once I got on the plane on Saturday. The next Friday, I was in Honduras with absolutely no internet connection. I kind of warned you guys about that ahead of time. The next, I had just flown home and was retrieving my friend from the airport, visiting with my family (without ever actually going home; we stayed in a hotel), and getting ready to return to school, which I did the next morning. The next Friday, the 17th, I was in the middle of RA training, where we were lucky to have time to breathe, let alone write. And finally, the 24th, I was working to get to know my residents and have everything set up for the new semester and, to be honest, I was beyond stressed and forgot. So… That’s kind of my rundown.

Now for something a bit more fun. J I’ve been dying to post more about Honduras; I just haven’t been able to do so, so I’m going to now. I hope that’s okay.  If not, you can skip past it. This trip was probably one of the most enlightening and amazing experiences of my life, and I have already (literally) dreamt of going back. It’s absolutely beautiful, and the culture amazed me. I made a decision before I arrived that I was not going to post a single Facebook status while I was on Honduran soil, and I kept it. But I did keep a list of statuses. If you want to see them, they’re in my personal blog (link in the left side doobly-doo). I won’t make you hear that now. Below are a small sampling of the photos I took while I was there.

This is La Esperanza, Intibuca, Honduras. It’s where I lived for the two weeks I was there. Isn’t it beautiful?

And these are the absolutely beautiful people I spent my time with. I’m in the back in the green shirt. Javier (the one I went to visit) is in tan stripes in the back right.

La Esperanza is in the mountains. I had never seen mountains before, so my mind was completely blown.

Overall, I could spend an entire post just telling stories, and if you guys want to hear more about it, I definitely will, but that’s really up to you. In modern life, I’m beyond stressed. I’m taking more credit hours than I ever have before, I’m working two new jobs, and I never see my friends. But on a MASSIVE positive, the director asked me during our last show if I wanted to design costumes for the first show of the fall, so I’m doing that, and I love it! I need to cave and just declare myself a theatre major because that’s where I’m happiest. Yesterday, I went to take measurements, and it was literally the happiest I’ve been all week.

Anyway, I’m going to call it quits for now because I am going to go play my favorite board game. I look forward to getting caught up on what’s happening with you guys! Bye!

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